Dionysos Now!

Vocal Polyphony conducted by Tom Tore Denys

Tenor Tore Tom Denys, founder and creative director of Dionysos Now! aims to spread the heritage of Adriaan Willaert. With this project, he want to honor his fellow villager and likes to show the captivating music that is the vocal polyphony of the Renaissance.

On 22 June 2024, Dionysos Now! will take centre stage all day in Ostend.

To add an extra dimension to the closing concert, rien à voir will be called upon. Together with Tsar B, Dionysos Now! will perform ‘Polyphony & Beats “For your ears only”’.

Date: 22nd of June 2024
Time: 21h30 (doors: 20h00)
Venue: St Peter and Paul church (Prins Boudewijnstraat, 8400 Oostende)


The venue is accessible for wheelchair users – please indicate the number of wheelchair users upon reservation

Additional guidance will be provided on site – please indicate when booking your tickets

Discover the full programme below

Kursaal Ostend / Entrance hall

  • 09h15: Kick off by Tore Tom Denys, artistic director Dionysos Now!
  • 09h30: Concert ‘Pure Polyphony’ by Dionysos Now!
  • 10h30: Guided tour by Els Degryse, curator heritage Kursaal Oostende
  • 11h30: Concert ‘Hope – Graces & Voices (Gregorian chant)’ with intro by Tore Tom Denys

De Grote Post / Entrance hall

  • 12h00: Film ‘Life and work Adriaen Willaert’ (continuous until 18h00)

De Grote Post / Panorama room

  • 13h00: Aperitif lecture ‘Polyphony, a polyphonic story’ by Tore Tom Denys
  • 18h30: Concert lecture by Tore Tom Denys and chat guests
    Followed by acoustic concert by Iskander Moon

De Grote Post / Hall De Grote Post

  • 16h00: Concert ‘Adriaen Willaert, Echoes of the Genius’ by Dionysos Now!

Café du Parc, Marie-José square

  • 20h00: The Longest Table ‘Shrimp bisque’ by star chef Willem Hiele
    € 55,00 per person, book separately

St Peter and Paul church

  • 21h30: Concert ‘Polyphony & Beats “For your eras only”’ by Dionysos Now! & Tsar B
    In collaboration with rien à voir